How much does it cost?

While our Chrome extension is free to use, the OpenAI API, which powers the extension, is not. 

We currently use the GPT-3.5 Turbo model, which is very cheap : $0.002 per 1,000 tokens. You'll need to fill in your own API key to make the extension work. 100 tokens are approximately equal to 75 words.

Please note that these are just examples and that the actual cost may vary depending on the number of tokens generated in your requests. Make sure to review OpenAI's pricing details for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Why don't we provide our Open AI API Key in our Chrome extension?

We choose not to provide our API key within the Chrome extension to avoid having to establish an economic model that would require users to subscribe to use our app. If we were to include our API key and cover the costs of the OpenAI API usage ourselves, we would need to find a way to monetize the extension, most likely through user subscriptions or in-app purchases.

By asking users to provide their own OpenAI API key, we can keep our Chrome extension free to use, and users only pay for their actual usage of the OpenAI API. This approach allows for more transparency and cost control, as users can directly manage their API usage and expenses. Ultimately, this results in a much more affordable and flexible solution for our users.